Man caught with sexual pictures and videos of children as young as three

Man Found with Indecent Images of Children as Young as Three in Cardiff

Evan Jenkins, 20, Caught with 70+ Indecent Images

Evan Jenkins, using the name ‘anonymous’ online, had over 70 indecent images and videos of children aged three and four. Jenkins handed over his phone to the police, admitting to the images and seeking help to stop.

Details of the Offense

Authorities discovered 43 indecent images and 36 indecent movie clips on Jenkins’ phone. The images were classified into serious categories A, B, and C, including some extreme content. The offences occurred between January 2023 and December 2023.

Sentencing and Program

Jenkins, admitting to possessing indecent images, received a 10-month sentence suspended for two years in a young offenders’ institution. He was ordered to complete the Horizon programme, a rehabilitation activity, and a 10-year sexual harm prevention order.

The judge warned Jenkins that any future violation would lead to a significant prison term.

For more detailed information, you can read the full article on Wales Online.