Incredible teenager passes her GCSEs despite being completely blind

An inspiring teenager from Cardiff has defied all odds by achieving success in her GCSE exams despite being completely blind. Alleah Beard-Pace, 16, shared her joy at overcoming the challenges she faced due to losing her sight at the age of two after battling cancer. Studying for her exams posed difficulties for Alleah, who admitted feeling nervous about her results and found revision a daunting task. She mentioned how missing lessons and coping with the vast amount of study material made preparation challenging.

Alleah received additional support, including extra time in exams and the use of Braille. Her mother, Mandy Pace, highlighted the hurdles they encountered, such as accessing expensive equipment and resources tailored for Alleah’s needs. Mandy revealed the tough journey Alleah went through during her cancer diagnosis, which involved multiple tumours, some of which were inoperable. Despite the setbacks, Alleah remained resilient, constantly faced with doubts from others about her capabilities due to her visual impairment.

Despite the obstacles, Alleah achieved remarkable results in her GCSEs, securing three Cs, three Bs, and an A. These grades mean she can pursue her passion for performing arts at Bridgend College. Alleah’s determination and love for acting, singing, and playing the piano have been evident since a young age. Her involvement in a visually impaired drama and music group in Cardiff, supported by the charity UCAN, has further nurtured her talents and passion for the arts.

Looking ahead, Alleah expressed excitement about exploring her future in performing arts, keen to delve deeper into her passion and potential career prospects. Her mother shared in the anticipation of what lies ahead for her daughter, confident in Alleah’s abilities and drive to succeed. The journey that led to this achievement was not without its challenges, but Alleah’s unwavering spirit and dedication have propelled her towards a bright future filled with possibilities.