I’m abrosexual – but friends asked if it’s even real when I came out

Woman Faces Criticism from Friends After Coming Out as Abrosexual

Emma Flint, aged 32, recently shared her experience of coming out as abrosexual, a term she encountered two years ago, which led to skepticism and disbelief among her friends. Despite facing negative reactions, Emma now embraces her abrosexuality confidently, after parting ways with friends who questioned the authenticity of her identity.

About Abrosexuality:

  • Abrosexuality involves a fluidity in sexual attraction.
  • Individuals may feel attracted to different genders at different times or may not feel any attraction at all.

Emma recalls her struggles in understanding her sexuality during the nineties, where non-traditional sexual identities were often dismissed as nonexistent. She admits to self-doubt and confusion as her identity shifted between identifying as a lesbian and bisexual due to societal norms and limited knowledge.

Discovering the Term Abrosexual:

“When I discovered the term ‘abrosexual’ through Zoe Stoller, it was a lightbulb moment for me.”

Emma credits Zoe, an LGBTQ+ advocate, for shedding light on abrosexuality, differentiating it from pansexuality. She stresses that her identity doesn’t affect her romantic relationships, as she loves individuals for who they are, irrespective of gender. Emma hopes abrosexuality will be widely accepted as just another valid identity.

Challenges Faced:

  • Friends questioned Emma’s changing sexual preferences.
  • She felt pressure to conform to traditional labels.
  • Some individuals demanded she “pick a lane” to avoid conflicting with their beliefs.

Despite facing misunderstanding and resistance, Emma remains steadfast in her identity and is optimistic about the acceptance and understanding of abrosexuality in society. She hopes her story will inspire others to embrace their authentic selves without fear of judgment or criticism.