‘I was a secret crisp addict – my new diet changed my life’

A mother-of-two from Hertfordshire has made a remarkable transformation after overcoming a secret addiction to crisps that had once dominated her daily routine. Lisa Bernett, 43, used to indulge in four bags of crisps every day, concealing her habit from her family. At her heaviest, she weighed over 20 stone and struggled with an unhealthy relationship with food. Lisa even went as far as pretending to order extra food for her partner at fast food outlets just so she could consume double portions herself.

Lisa candidly shared that she would devour four packets of pickled onion Space Raiders, along with other favourites like Doritos with sour cream chive dip and Marks & Spencer’s beef and onion crisps. Her typical daily meals would skip breakfast, having two cheese and onion bagels with plenty of butter for lunch, followed by a family-sized packet of crisps. Dinner would consist of a large serving of spaghetti, a roast dinner, or a takeaway. Despite numerous attempts to diet, Lisa found herself constantly reverting to her unhealthy eating patterns.

The pivotal moment came when Lisa’s best friend and mother-in-law passed away, prompting her partner, Ashley, to express his desire to lose weight. Determined to support him, Lisa embarked on a journey to transform her lifestyle. Using the MyNetDiary app to monitor her food intake and calorie consumption, she successfully shed an impressive amount of weight in just eight months, reaching 14st 5lb while Ashley was at 15 stone.

Thrilled with their progress, Lisa, along with her daughters, Gemma, 16, and Sophie, 13, celebrated their achievement by embarking on a Mediterranean cruise. Lisa confidently flaunted her size 16 bikinis, marking a significant milestone in her newfound confidence. Nowadays, Lisa follows a disciplined diet that includes protein porridge with berries for breakfast, bagel thins with chicken, tuna, or smoked salmon for lunch, and a balanced dinner of chicken breast with salad or mixed veg and rice.

Looking ahead, Lisa is excited about their upcoming trip to Disney World and is eager to wear a size 10 bikini, showcasing her hard-earned physique. While Lisa admits that the lure of crisps still exists, she now consumes them in moderation, opting for lower-calorie options and limiting herself to one packet. Her inspiring journey serves as a testament to the power of determination and dedication in overcoming challenges and achieving personal goals.

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