‘I tried to see GP three times over lump, weeks later I got worst news’

A mother of five, Nicola Smith, who couldn’t secure a GP appointment despite attempting to call three times after discovering a lump, received a diagnosis of cancer when she visited A&E weeks later. Initially thinking she had a hernia, Nicola tried to schedule a GP appointment for confirmation but faced difficulties. Upon visiting the hospital later with a family member, she decided to visit A&E for the lump, leading to her admission for tests. The following day, she was informed she had squamous cell carcinoma, the second most common form of skin cancer.

Nicola shared her shock, expressing that she never considered it could be cancer and was devastated by the news. Following a referral to The Christie hospital, it was revealed that her cancer had spread to six lymph nodes, prompting her to begin six months of intensive chemotherapy. Nicola described the side effects of chemotherapy, including hair loss and feeling bedbound, trying to maintain a sense of normalcy for her children amidst the challenging situation.

Her struggle with health issues dates back to 2020, with symptoms like bleeding during toilet use, for which she underwent tests but never received results. Nicola also sought guidance for stomach pains earlier this year, leading to a CT scan referral without further communication on the findings. She now believes that her various symptoms were related to the carcinoma, noting that squamous cell carcinomas tend to spread if left untreated.

Nicola’s loved ones are rallying support for her to have a holiday once she overcomes her current ordeal. A fundraiser has been set up to aid in financing the trip, with contributions welcomed to alleviate some financial pressure on Nicola during her absence from work. Her ultimate wish post-recovery is to take her children on a holiday. Nicola’s story serves as a poignant reminder of the challenges individuals face in accessing timely healthcare and the devastating impact of delayed diagnoses.