‘I think Andrew RT Davies is the worst political leader in the UK’

Welsh Conservative leader Andrew RT Davies has come under intense criticism, with Welsh Affairs Editor Will Hayward declaring, “

I think Andrew RT Davies is the worst political leader in the UK

.” Despite his notoriety, Mr Davies has failed to garner significant support for the Welsh Tories during his leadership. Hayward highlighted several controversies plaguing Davies, including a recent poll where he posed the question of abolishing the Senedd, contrary to Welsh Conservative policy. His actions have stirred anger within his own party, with prominent figures speaking out against his decisions.

Moreover, Davies has faced accusations of racism, with a Conservative MS using a derogatory term against Chinese people, and Davies himself being accused of “Islamophobic race-baiting.” These incidents, coupled with his misleading statements on various issues, have contributed to a growing dissatisfaction with his leadership. Hayward outlined multiple reasons why he believes Davies is the weakest political leader in the UK, emphasising his failure to provide a clear vision for Wales, hold Welsh Labour accountable effectively, distinguish the Welsh Conservatives from the UK party, and unite the country.

Hayward proposed a strategic approach for the Welsh Conservatives to revive their fortunes. He suggested that removing Davies from leadership, establishing a distinct Welsh identity separate from the UK party, and adopting a moderate approach could help the party regain public trust and potentially form a coalition in the future. By addressing key shortcomings and offering a credible alternative to voters, the Welsh Conservatives may have a chance at restoring their reputation and gaining electoral success.