‘I lost two stone and my anxiety disappeared because of one diet change’

A remarkable transformation has taken place in Julie Kilby’s life as she shares the story of shedding two stone in weight and bidding farewell to anxiety, all thanks to a simple diet change. Julie’s lifestyle used to revolve around fast food giants like McDonald’s, KFC, and Chinese takeaways, with Pepsi Max as her ‘go-to’ drink. Reflecting on her past eating habits, she admits, “Weekends consisted of McDonald’s, KFC, Chinese takeaway, I ate a lot of crisps and chocolate and my go-to drink was Pepsi Max, I ate a lot of biscuits and cakes too.” The dramatic shift towards healthier choices stemmed from witnessing her father’s illness and losing her mother to cancer.

Julie’s journey towards better health was catalyzed by stumbling upon British epidemiologist Tim Spector discussing the microbiome in a podcast. This led her to discover Zoe, a personalised nutrition programme that tailors dietary guidance based on an individual’s unique bodily reactions to food. Since joining Zoe, Julie has not only shed two stone, going from 10st 11lbs to 9st 2lbs, but has also experienced a significant improvement in her overall wellbeing. She describes, “When I started, I was suffering with menopause symptoms like hot flushes, anxiety, low energy and weight gain. Since doing Zoe, my hot flushes have all but disappeared, my anxiety has completely gone and I am a happy person that loves life again.”

Julie’s diet now consists of nourishing options like Greek yoghurt with nuts, seeds, and fruit for breakfast, and a hearty salad with beans or chickpeas drizzled with olive oil and tahini for lunch. Despite the significant changes in her eating habits, Julie found the transition to be surprisingly easy, stating, “I went one step at a time and the better I ate the better I felt so it encouraged me to keep going.” She has successfully overcome her cravings for fast food, opting for nutritious whole foods instead.

Moreover, Julie is not alone in her dietary transformation, as others like Steffan Rhys, 44, have also witnessed positive changes after switching to the Zoe programme. This bespoke nutrition plan, starting at £25 per month, translates complex scientific knowledge into practical, manageable steps that promote holistic health through every meal. Julie highlights that her healthier food choices have now become second nature, expressing, “Now eating whole healthy foods just feels natural. I actually have no craving for any of the foods I used to eat, crazy as it sounds.”

Indeed, Julie Kilby’s inspiring journey serves as a testament to the profound impact that a mindful diet change can have on both physical and mental wellbeing. Her story resonates as a beacon of hope for those seeking to embark on a similar path towards a healthier, happier life.