‘I lost 3st on diet so now my kids don’t eat fruit or vegetables’

A mother’s remarkable weight loss journey has taken an unexpected turn, inspiring her family to adopt a controversial diet plan that excludes fruit and vegetables. Olivia Khwaja, a 50-year-old strategic consultant from Ascot, initially shed 3 stones (19 kilograms) by following a high-fat, low-carb keto diet. But her transformation truly began when she embraced the carnivore diet, consuming only animal products such as meat, fish, eggs, and dairy. This drastic change in her eating habits led to an additional weight loss of 20 kilograms, bringing her total weight down to 55kg (8st 9lbs).
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Olivia’s success with the carnivore diet not only had a significant impact on her own health but also inspired her husband and two children to join her in this unconventional eating regimen. Her husband, Greg, lost 39kg, while her children, Eden and Bailey, began the journey towards better health. Despite concerns about the exclusion of fruits and vegetables in their diet, Olivia stands by her choice, attributing benefits such as smoother skin, a clearer mind, and overall well-being to this new way of eating.
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The catalyst for Olivia’s lifestyle changes came from the loss of her parents to health conditions like type 2 diabetes and Alzheimer’s. Motivated to prevent similar issues in her own life, Olivia tackled her weight loss goals by first following the keto diet. This initial phase helped her shed significant weight and improve her energy levels. However, it was the carnivore diet that truly transformed her health and outlook on life, leading Olivia to experience a newfound sense of vitality and positivity.

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Despite medical advice emphasizing the importance of a balanced diet that includes fruits and vegetables, Olivia remains steadfast in her belief that the carnivore diet has provided her family with the necessary nutrients for optimal health. She dismisses critics who question the lack of plant-based foods in their meals, asserting that their well-being and flourishing state are proof of the diet’s efficacy.

On a typical day, Olivia’s meals consist of locally-sourced eggs, sardines, and substantial servings of meat cooked in various ways. She emphasises the simplicity of their diet, highlighting the cost-effectiveness and convenience of solely consuming animal products. While her children occasionally indulge in fruits, Olivia maintains that their overall health and performance have improved since adopting the carnivore diet.

Despite facing scepticism and concerns about the potential health risks associated with their dietary choices, Olivia remains resolute in her conviction that the carnivore diet has been instrumental in transforming her family’s well-being. Through her social media presence, she shares her health journey, garnering support from followers who resonate with her experience. Olivia’s story serves as a testament to the power of personal choice and the impact it can have on one’s health and happiness.