‘I had to remortgage my home to save the Green Man festival, it’s now worth a lot of money’

A festival owner has revealed that she had to remortgage her home to save the Green Man festival, which has now become a significant success. Fiona Stewart, the owner of Green Man festival, shared her commitment to ensuring the festival has a lasting legacy in Wales. Stewart highlighted the importance of the festival having a permanent base in Powys, emphasizing its economic impact on the local community.

Each year during the festival, Stewart can be found driving around the Glanusk estate, overseeing the operations and connecting with the staff. Despite the challenges and early DIY origins of the festival, Green Man has grown significantly under Stewart’s leadership. The festival now hosts over 25,000 attendees daily and has a wide array of offerings, including music, food stalls, children’s activities, and charitable initiatives through the Green Man Trust.

Stewart’s dedication to keeping Green Man independent and free from commercial influences has been a driving force behind the festival’s unique experience. Despite facing challenges such as Brexit and rising costs, Stewart remains committed to the festival’s vision and its potential for creating jobs and opportunities in Wales. She expressed her desire to continue developing the festival as a positive force in the local economy.

Reflecting on past struggles, including financial hardships and crises, Stewart acknowledged the resilience needed to overcome obstacles in the festival industry. As Green Man continues to thrive, Stewart is focused on nurturing community partnerships and supporting local projects to enrich lives in Powys and Wales. She envisions a future where Green Man’s impact extends beyond the festival itself, creating a lasting contribution to the region.

Stewart’s unwavering dedication to Green Man and her aspiration to see it flourish in Wales exemplifies her visionary leadership and commitment to sustainability. With a strong ethos of community engagement and economic empowerment, Green Man festival under Stewart’s stewardship continues to set an inspiring example in the realm of independent music festivals.