‘I grew up in a council estate and was on living the streets two years ago – now I’m a student at Oxford’

A young woman’s remarkable journey from a council estate to Oxford University has captured attention as she defies the odds and societal expectations. Chloe Pomfret, who hails from the same council estate as prominent figures Angela Rayner and Marcus Rashford, faced significant challenges growing up. After experiencing foster care and becoming estranged from her family, Chloe found herself living on the streets at just 16 years old. Despite these adversities, she was determined to focus on her education and pursue her passion for biology.

Chloe’s turning point came when her school assisted her in securing supported accommodation, providing her with stability and an opportunity to pursue academic excellence. While applying to Oxford University, Chloe faced a setback when she narrowly missed the required grades due to a missing special considerations application. However, to her delight, she later received the life-changing news of her acceptance to St Catherine’s College, Oxford.

Transitioning to the prestigious university was a significant adjustment for Chloe, who encountered derogatory remarks from some of her affluent peers, branding her ‘council estate Chloe.’ Despite facing such challenges, Chloe remains proud of her working-class background and accents her journey with resilience and determination. She acknowledges inspirational figures like Angela Rayner and Marcus Rashford, who also emerged from similar circumstances, as her heroes.

Describing her experience at Oxford as an enlightening cultural encounter, Chloe reflects on the diverse backgrounds of her peers and the initial apprehension she felt about being judged based on her upbringing. Embracing her roots and identity, Chloe wears the label ‘council estate Chloe’ as a badge of honour, emphasising the strength and character it represents in her life story.

Looking towards her graduation in 2026, Chloe expresses a desire to empower other students from disadvantaged backgrounds, advocating for equal opportunities in pursuing higher education. Her journey serves as a testament to the transformative power of education and determination, inspiring others to defy limitations and strive for their goals.

Chloe’s story highlights the importance of support systems, perseverance, and self-belief in overcoming adversity and achieving success. As she continues her academic journey at Oxford University, Chloe embodies resilience, courage, and a steadfast commitment to making a difference in the world.