‘I chickened out of gastric band op – and lost 7stone in a year’

A mother-of-three who “chickened out” of gastric band surgery due to potential complications has instead lost seven stone in one year with a diet plan and exercise, transforming her life and feeling like a “new woman”. Chanelle Alexander, 32, living in Barking and Dagenham, London, reached her heaviest weight of 17st 13lbs after having her third child in 2021. Consuming up to 3,000 calories daily with takeaways and sweets, she realized the need for change in March 2023.

Initially considering bariatric surgery, Chanelle reconsidered after learning about risks and complications. Turning to The 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan, with consultant-led support and meal replacements, she started her journey in May 2023. By June 2024, Chanelle shed seven stone, reaching 10st 13lbs, and feels proud of her achievement. She recalled the moment she saw the scale showing 10st 13lbs, remarking, “I haven’t seen the 10 stone bracket in years.”

Reflecting on her weight struggles from childhood, Chanelle’s turning point came in March 2023, realizing the need to prioritize her health. Although bariatric surgery was considered, she opted for The 1:1 Diet after learning about a friend’s success with the programme. Embracing step two of the plan, she started losing weight and achieving her milestones.

Amidst personal challenges like eviction, Chanelle remained committed to her weight loss journey. Continuing with calorie-controlled meals and exercise, she lost seven stone by June 2024, going from size 22 to size 10. Despite loose skin, Chanelle feels confident and proud of her transformation, urging others on a weight loss journey to “trust the process”.

Chanelle’s determination and success with The 1:1 Diet have not only improved her physical health but also boosted her self-confidence, allowing her to embrace new experiences post-weight loss. She emphasizes the importance of putting oneself first and taking steps towards a healthier lifestyle for long-term benefits.