‘Husband called me repulsive and what he said next was devastating’

A mother who gained 11 lbs after giving birth and while breastfeeding her son has spoken out about how her husband called her ‘repulsive and fat’. This is a reality faced by many women after childbirth, as their bodies undergo significant changes. While some receive understanding and love from their partners, others experience a painful and hurtful reaction.

The anonymous woman shared her story of marital struggles following the birth of her first child at the age of 25. She revealed that her husband’s reaction to her postpartum body was shocking and distressing. Despite only a modest weight gain of around 14 lbs since her pre-pregnancy weight of 114 lbs, her husband expressed disgust at her appearance. This led to a heated conversation where he bluntly stated that he found her postpartum stomach repulsive.

The situation escalated further when the husband compared her body to his own struggles with body image during his teenage years, adding that he was not attracted to her anymore due to her physical changes. He even referenced his mother and sister’s battles with obesity, hinting at deep-seated issues regarding body image and weight within his family.

The conversation took a distressing turn when the wife asked if he would cheat on her or leave her because of her weight. His response, implying temptation towards women with a different physique but stopped by religious beliefs, left her devastated. He tried to justify his desires by invoking scriptures and pushing her to lose weight to meet his standards.

Despite the hurtful words, the wife remained composed and ended the conversation by affirming that she valued her husband for who he was, not just his appearance. The incident left her questioning her relationship, self-worth, and the need for self-love. She acknowledged the emotional pain caused by her husband’s comments but resolved to focus on her self-esteem and worth.

The wife’s experience highlights the importance of self-acceptance, self-love, and setting boundaries in relationships. She contemplated seeking therapy, re-evaluating her marriage, and prioritising her well-being. Ultimately, she emphasised the need to be valued for who she is, beyond just physical appearance.

The story serves as a poignant reminder of the challenges faced by many women in postpartum relationships and the significance of self-worth and self-love in navigating such experiences.