In a small town in the valleys of Wales, a group of friends took part in a hilarious tradition that has been ongoing for two decades, much to the delight of locals. The group, led by Matthew Jones, 41, and consisting of around 30 members, gathered for their annual Christmas fancy-dress pub crawl. This year’s theme was “Seagulls Vs Chips,” with participants dressing up as either seagulls or chips, creating comical scenes throughout the town of Porth.
Matthew, who works as a Training Manager for the NHS, explained that the tradition started 20 years ago as a way for friends to come together and have some fun during the festive season. Over the years, the group has grown, and what began as a small gathering of mates has now become a beloved event in the community. The group’s costumes were in line with the chosen theme, with participants embracing the quirky spirit of the occasion.
Despite the passage of time and life changes such as marriage and children, the group has kept the tradition alive, with members looking forward to it each year. The annual fancy-dress pub crawl has become a staple event in the town, with residents eagerly anticipating the inventive costumes and merry atmosphere brought by the group. The tradition has evolved into a cherished part of the local folklore, adding to the festive spirit of Christmas in the community.
To mark the 20th anniversary of their tradition, the group organized an ‘Oscars-style’ award ceremony, where members were recognised for categories like best costume, worst costume, and worst drinker. The celebration culminated in laughter, camaraderie, and a sense of shared joy among participants and onlookers alike. Despite the passing years, the group shows no signs of stopping the tradition, with the possibility of future generations joining in on the festive fun.
Matthew expressed his belief that the tradition will continue for years to come, possibly being handed down to the next generation of participants. The group’s camaraderie, shared memories, and the joy they bring to the community serve as a testament to the enduring spirit of friendship and celebration. As the years go by, the tradition remains a cherished part of the town’s Christmas festivities, with residents eagerly anticipating the group’s whimsical themes and creative costumes.
In the spirit of merriment and togetherness, the group’s annual tradition of the Christmas fancy-dress pub crawl continues to bring laughter and joy to Porth, embodying the true essence of the festive season. Through their commitment to keeping the tradition alive, the group has created a lasting legacy of friendship, community spirit, and holiday cheer that resonates with all who witness their lively celebrations.