Heating engineer says ‘common mistake’ will cost you £55

A heating engineer warns that a ‘common mistake’ could end up costing you around £55, just as the colder weather approaches. With temperatures dropping and the energy price cap set to increase by 10% on October 1, many are bracing themselves for higher heating bills. However, there are ways to make your heating system more efficient and reduce costs, according to the engineer.

One common mistake highlighted by the engineer is drying clothes on radiators. While it may seem like a convenient solution, it can actually lead to increased energy bills. The engineer explained that when radiators are blocked by damp clothes, they are unable to heat the room effectively, resulting in wasted energy and higher costs.

Moreover, drying clothes on radiators can have negative consequences for your home’s environment. Excess condensation from drying clothes indoors can promote mould growth, damage paintwork, trigger allergens, and reduce the efficiency of your heating system. The expert recommended several alternatives for drying clothes efficiently indoors, such as utilising natural light, turning clothes over for even drying, and using hangers to reduce creases.

In addition to avoiding drying clothes on radiators, washing fewer clothes per load was also suggested to improve drying efficiency. By allowing better airflow and quicker drying times, overcrowded airers and washing machines can be avoided, reducing the risk of dampness and musty smells. Simple tasks like bleeding radiators and ensuring they are not obstructed by furniture were highlighted as crucial for maintaining radiator efficiency and managing energy bills.

The expert also shared additional energy-saving tips, such as using eco settings on appliances like washing machines and dishwashers to save money. Maximising the spin cycle on a tumble dryer was also mentioned as a way to potentially save extra money annually. Small changes like these can contribute to significant savings over time while maintaining a comfortable living space.

As the weather gets colder and energy costs rise, being mindful of these tips could help homeowners optimise their heating systems, reduce energy consumption, and ultimately save money. By making simple adjustments in daily routines, households can better manage their heating bills while creating a healthier and more cost-effective living environment.