Full list of people who can get a discount on council tax in 2025

Residents in Wales may be eligible for discounts on their council tax in 2025 under certain circumstances. While typically, adults over 18 are required to pay council tax, exemptions and discounts are available based on various criteria. People who fall under certain categories may be disregarded when calculating the number of residents in a property, making them eligible for a reduction in their council tax bill. Such categories include individuals under 18, those on specific apprentice schemes, full-time students at college or university, individuals receiving funding from the Education and Skills Funding Agency, student nurses, foreign language assistants, and those registered as severely mentally impaired.
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Furthermore, individuals acting as live-in carers for someone not their partner, spouse, or child under 18, as well as diplomats, are also disregarded for council tax purposes. Even if one is disregarded, an application for a council tax discount or exemption is necessary. Household members who are all disregarded can receive a 50% discount on the bill, while a 25% discount applies if either an individual lives alone or all other residents are disregarded. Employees under an apprentice scheme must provide a declaration from their employer stating their eligibility, among other requirements.
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For households where every resident is a full-time student, council tax may be exempt. However, specific criteria regarding the duration and intensity of study apply to qualify as a full-time student. Additionally, discounts are available for disabled individuals or those living with disabilities, through schemes such as the disabled band reduction scheme. Eligible residents may see a reduction in their council tax bill based on their specific circumstances.

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Individuals who are severely mentally impaired, as certified by a medical professional, could also qualify for a council tax discount. Requirements include living alone or residing with other adults who are severely mentally impaired or full-time students. Discounts ranging from 50% to 25% may apply depending on the household composition and circumstances of the residents.

To apply for these discounts and exemptions, individuals must meet the outlined criteria and provide the necessary documentation to support their eligibility. While council tax is a standard obligation for residents, understanding the available discounts and exemptions can help alleviate financial burdens for those who qualify under the specified categories. Residents are encouraged to review the outlined criteria to determine their eligibility and explore potential savings on their council tax bills.