Foods you should never put into a lunchbox – including ‘healthy’ options

As the summer holidays come to a close, parents are gearing up for back-to-school preparations, including packing lunches. While focusing on providing nutritious meals is key, it’s essential to be mindful of the impact certain foods can have on children’s oral health. Dr Smita Mehra, Principal Dentist at The Neem Tree Dental Practice, highlights 10 foods that should be avoided in kids’ lunchboxes.

Sweetened granola bars, often perceived as healthy snacks, can be high in sugar and sticky, leading to tooth decay. Similarly, raisins, despite being a fruit, are sugary and can cling to teeth, increasing the risk of cavities. While oranges are rich in vitamin C, their acidity can wear down tooth enamel over time if consumed frequently. Pretzels, crisps, and white-breaded sandwiches are high in refined starches or sugars, promoting bacteria growth and plaque formation.

Cereals may contain hidden sugars that contribute to decay, especially when consumed with milk, creating a sugary mix that sticks to teeth. Fruit winders, lollipops, and caramel popcorn are loaded with sugars that can linger on teeth, allowing bacteria to produce acids that erode enamel. Not only can these foods harm teeth, but they can also lead to gum problems and infections.

Dr Mehra recommends opting for fresh fruits over dried alternatives, whole-grain bread instead of white bread, and water to help rinse away sticky residues. By making mindful choices and prioritising oral health, parents can ensure their children’s lunchboxes promote overall well-being.

Remember, a balanced diet not only benefits children’s physical health but also supports their dental hygiene. Prioritising nutritious, tooth-friendly foods can contribute to a lifetime of healthy smiles for your little ones.