First Minister Mark Drakeford has announced that new legal restrictions will come into force after Christmas on December 27.

There will be no introduction of any restrictions which would limit people meeting over Christmas. It has also decided against any restrictions on travel but the First Minister has advised people to have a smaller Christmas.

In a statement that was issued late last night (Thursday), Mr Drakeford said: “This year a smaller Christmas is a safer Christmas. The fewer people we see, the less chance we have of catching or passing on the virus.”

He urged people to get vaccinated, take lateral flow tests before going shopping or visiting people, to meet outdoors wherever possible, spread out social events with at least a day between them and to social distance, wash hands and wear a mask.

However, from December 27, there will be tougher rules. Nightclubs will have to close from that point.

A 2m rule on social distancing in offices will come in and there will be extra measures to protect customers and staff, such as one-way systems and physical barriers will become a requirement.

Mr Drakeford revealed that ministers are considering going even further when they meet on Monday and bringing back the “rule of six” governing how many people can meet in venues. Curbs on the number of people at large events like sports matches are also being considered.

In his statement on Friday night, First Minister Mark Drakeford said: “Delta will continue to be the main cause of coronavirus infections in Wales up to Christmas. But we are seeing cases of omicron increasing rapidly every day in Wales – and across the UK.

“We need a plan to keep us safe this Christmas and we need stronger measures to protect us afterwards, as we prepare for a large wave of Omicron infections.

“Omicron poses a new threat to our health and safety. It is the most serious development in the pandemic to date.

“It is one we must take seriously. We will continue to put in place proportionate measures to protect people’s lives and livelihoods.

A return to other restrictions – like extended household bubbles and the rule of six in pubs – is not being ruled out after Christmas.

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