Family were told to say ‘last goodbyes’ to mum after horrific car crash

A grandmother from Caerphilly has survived a horrific car crash that left her with life-changing injuries, including losing the use of her legs and hands. Kim Dowling, 64, was involved in the accident in October 2023, which resulted in her breaking her back and neck. At the scene, medics feared for her life and advised her family to say their final goodbyes. Following a 10-hour emergency operation, Kim miraculously pulled through, although she is now faced with significant physical challenges.

Despite the devastating injuries, Kim expressed her gratitude for being alive and shared her journey to recovery. Over the past year, she has made significant progress, including regaining her ability to talk, feed herself, and take a few steps. Kim’s daughter, Joanne Smith, praised the medical staff and physiotherapists for their support in her mother’s recovery. To aid her healing process, Kim has found solace in the hospital garden at Llandough Hospital in Penarth.

Kim, who worked alongside her husband running a floor screeding firm before the accident, credits the hospital garden for providing a peaceful and therapeutic environment during her recovery. She highlighted the emotional support she received from fellow patients in the garden, sharing experiences and encouraging one another on their paths to recovery. Kim’s family has also found comfort in spending time with her in the garden, creating moments of normalcy amidst the challenges they face.

As Kim continues her rehabilitation journey, her family is actively fundraising for Horatio’s Charity, which has played a significant role in providing support and resources for patients like Kim. The family highlighted the positive impact of the charity’s initiatives, such as art and craft classes, which have contributed to the patients’ emotional wellbeing and recovery process. Despite the uncertainties about her future mobility, Kim remains grateful for each day and cherishes the progress she has made in her recovery.

Kim’s story serves as a testament to resilience, hope, and the power of community support in overcoming life’s challenges. Her determination and positive outlook inspire those around her as she navigates the physical and emotional hurdles of her post-accident journey. Through the unwavering support of her family, medical professionals, and charitable organizations like Horatio’s Charity, Kim continues to embrace each day with gratitude and optimism. The community’s rallying behind Kim’s recovery showcases the strength found in unity and compassion during times of adversity.