Expert says do six things now to stop garden birds being killed by deadly disease

Expert Shares Six Tips to Protect Garden Birds from Deadly Disease
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As the nesting season approaches, experts are urging gardeners to take specific precautions to prevent their feathered friends from falling victim to a deadly disease known as Trichomoniasis. The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) has recently halted the sale of bird tables and flat surface feeders due to the risk of parasites, fungal infections, and diseases, leading to a decline in populations of species like Goldfinch and Chaffinch. Lucy Taylor, a garden bird specialist at Vine House Farm, emphasises the importance of using the right bird feeders to safeguard garden birds from disease transmission. Here are her top recommendations:

1. Opt for a bird feeder that is easy to clean: Hanging seed feeders can still pose a risk of disease transmission if not properly maintained. Choose a feeder that can be disassembled for thorough cleaning to minimise the spread of diseases like Trichomoniasis.

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2. Steer clear of feeders with catch trays: Trays beneath feeders can accumulate harmful waste, even if kept clean. Infected birds can contaminate the tray, increasing the risk of disease transmission. It’s advisable to rotate feeder positions regularly to prevent contamination of the ground below.

3. Select feeders with round perches: Birds like Robins and Chaffinches may struggle to perch on feeders with straight perches. Opt for feeders with round perches to accommodate a wider variety of songbirds.

4. Invest in quality feeders: Cheap seed feeders made of low-quality plastic may deteriorate quickly, especially if frequented by grey squirrels. Choose durable feeders to ensure longevity and effectiveness.

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5. Choose squirrel-proof feeders: Grey squirrels can monopolise bird feeders, deterring smaller birds from feeding. Consider squirrel-proof feeders with safeguards such as metal cages or spring-loaded mechanisms to prevent squirrel access.

6. Larger feeders offer better value: Larger feeders with multiple ports are not only more cost-effective but also accommodate more birds simultaneously. Investing in a larger feeder can attract a greater variety of bird species to your garden.

In light of recent concerns raised by experts, it is crucial for gardeners and bird enthusiasts to implement these recommendations to safeguard the well-being of garden birds. By adopting these simple yet effective measures, individuals can play a vital role in protecting local bird populations from the threat of deadly diseases.

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In conclusion, prioritising the welfare of garden birds through responsible feeder selection and maintenance is essential to mitigate the risks of disease transmission. By following expert advice and making informed decisions, individuals can make a positive impact on local bird populations and promote biodiversity in their gardens. As we enter the spring season, let’s collectively commit to creating a bird-friendly habitat that fosters the well-being and vitality of our avian companions.