Expert praises house plant that can improve air quality, reduce mould and help you sleep

An indoor house plant has caught the attention of gardening experts for its ability to enhance air quality, reduce mould, and promote better sleep. The peace lily, referred to by plant expert Jo Lambell of Beards & Daisies as the “ultimate indoor plant for health and happiness”, offers more than just aesthetic appeal.

Peace lilies are known for their air-purifying capabilities, filtering out toxins like benzene, formaldehyde, and ammonia commonly found in household products. This can lead to improved air quality and potentially reduce symptoms of poor air quality such as headaches and respiratory issues. Additionally, these plants can help reduce mould spores and regulate humidity, making them ideal for spaces like bathrooms.

Apart from its physical benefits, the presence of peace lilies can have a positive impact on mental wellbeing. Caring for plants, including admiring the beauty of flowers like peace lilies, is known to have therapeutic effects and can contribute to reducing stress and enhancing mood. Moreover, the scent of peace lilies is said to promote relaxation and a sense of calm.

The benefits of peace lilies extend to improving sleep quality as well. By enhancing air quality and maintaining optimal humidity levels, these plants create a conducive environment for better sleep. Placing a peace lily in the bedroom may contribute to a more restful night.

In addition to its health benefits, peace lilies are valued for their elegant appearance and ability to thrive indoors throughout the year. The low maintenance requirements of peace lilies, needing watering only once a week and tolerating low to medium light levels, make them a suitable option for both novice and experienced plant enthusiasts.

Overall, the peace lily stands out as a versatile and beneficial addition to any indoor space, offering a combination of aesthetic appeal and health benefits that can contribute to a happier and healthier living environment for individuals.