Expert explains why many women have sex anxiety – and what you can do

An expert has shed light on why many women experience sex anxiety and what can be done to address the issue. According to a survey by iroha, nearly half of UK women have encountered pain during sex, with almost half choosing to keep this issue to themselves and only a quarter seeking a solution. The survey, conducted by OnePoll, highlighted that reasons for experiencing pain during sex can range from vaginismus or performance anxiety to dryness. Health experts reveal that 50% of UK women feel anxious about sex due to a lack of self-confidence, while 65% worry due to inexperience and 15% have sexual anxiety rooted in past traumatic experiences.

Rika Adachi, Global Marketing Manager at iroha, emphasised the commonality of anxiety around sex, which may manifest in difficulties with arousal or interest in sex. Adachi stressed the importance of communication in addressing sexual anxiety, as it can help individuals identify the root causes and work towards a more fulfilling sex life. She highlighted the significance of opening up conversations around pain during sex, encouraging women to speak with medical professionals or trusted friends to realise they are not alone and that help is available.

Adachi noted, “This survey sheds light on the significant number of women who have experienced pain with penetrative sex. However, what is more alarming is the number of women who are suffering in silence. By opening up the conversation, we hope more women will feel comfortable speaking with either a medical professional or a close friend, to know that they are not alone, and that there are options available to them.”

The expert’s insights aim to empower women to address sex anxiety and seek appropriate support to enhance their sexual well-being. Communication and seeking help are vital steps towards overcoming barriers to a fulfilling sex life.