Driving expert explains mandatory speed tech now in all new cars

Driving Expert Explains Mandatory Speed Technology in New Cars

With new car registrations currently underway, it’s essential for drivers to understand the new mandatory feature in all new cars – speed limiters. In the EU, cars are now required by law to have Intelligent Speed Adaptation (ISA), which acts as a speed limiter to prevent drivers from exceeding the speed limit. This technology is activated automatically when the car is turned on and utilizes GPS to detect the speed limit on the road.

Key Points:

– Speed limiters are now mandatory in new cars due to EU regulations.
– Four strategies are used to limit speed in cars with ISA technology.
– Drivers can manually turn off the ISA, but it reactivates every time the car is turned on.
– The aim of ISA technology is to improve road safety, reduce road deaths, and enhance fuel economy.

Chris Adams, Group Operations Director at Brindley Group, explained that the ISA system can employ various strategies to limit speed. These include pushing back on the pedal, reducing engine power, displaying a warning, and activating an audio cue if the driver exceeds the speed limit.

If drivers continuously ignore the warnings, visual and tactile cues increase in severity to ensure the driver pays attention. Although the ISA system can be turned off manually, it will reactivate each time the car is started, similar to Start-Stop technology.

The introduction of ISA technology aims to enhance road safety, with the EU estimating a potential 20% reduction in road deaths by 2050. Additionally, ISA technology can lead to improved fuel economy, reduced emissions, and decreased likelihood of receiving fines for speeding violations.

As new cars are equipped with this mandatory technology, drivers should familiarize themselves with its functions and benefits for safer and more efficient driving experiences on the road.

Stay tuned for more updates on the latest advancements in automotive technology.

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