Drivers warned that common ‘angry’ action ‘could now mean £2,000 fine’

Motorists in the UK have been cautioned about the consequences of leaving angry notes on other people’s cars, with fines potentially reaching up to £2,000. Majid Ismailzada, marketing director and motoring expert at GM Direct Hire, has highlighted that what may seem like a momentary expression of frustration could lead to significant legal repercussions.

The act of leaving aggressive or hostile notes on vehicles has been on the rise, prompting authorities to address it as a form of antisocial behaviour, Majid explained. Under the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014, such actions can result in a Community Protection Notice, carrying fines of up to £2,000. As a result, drivers are advised to think twice before resorting to anger, given the potential severity of the consequences.

Majid recommended handling parking disputes with respect and composure, suggesting that instead of leaving angry notes, it is better to address the situation calmly or involve local authorities if necessary. By approaching conflicts with a sense of respect and understanding, motorists can avoid unnecessary legal troubles and financial penalties.

In a time where frustrations on the road are common, maintaining a level-headed approach can go a long way in preventing escalated situations and legal consequences. As the authorities continue to crack down on antisocial behaviours, it is essential for drivers to be mindful of their actions and the potential repercussions they may face for expressing anger inappropriately.