Doctor warns two diets could be ‘ageing you’ and may cause heart issues

A recent warning from a doctor has raised concerns about two popular diets that could potentially accelerate ageing and lead to heart issues. Dr Rupy Aujla highlighted the dangers of the carnivore diet and the keto meal plan, citing a study on mice following these diets. The study revealed that long-term adherence to either of these diets may lead to inflammation and ageing effects on key organs like the heart and kidneys.

Specifically, the study identified the accumulation of senescent cells, contributing to systemic inflammation and toxicity, which could pose serious health risks. Additionally, other studies on the carnivore diet indicated potential harm such as cardio fibrosis, dysregulated mitochondrial function, and elevated cholesterol levels, which are concerning for cardiovascular health and dementia. Dr Rupy emphasised the lack of long-term studies on these diets, urging caution to those considering them.

Despite these risks, the carnivore diet has shown some short-term benefits due to its low carbohydrate content, offering therapeutic benefits for certain individuals with intolerances. Dr Rupy advised individuals to listen to their bodies and take breaks from these diets if experiencing symptoms of mitochondrial dysregulation, such as fatigue. Regular breaks and incorporating other foods can help maintain a healthier balance.

Moreover, the doctor acknowledged that any diet can be effective for weight loss depending on individual factors like body type, metabolic rates, sustainability, and enjoyment. This underscores the importance of mindful eating and monitoring one’s body responses to dietary changes. As more research is needed on the long-term effects of these diets, individuals are encouraged to approach dietary choices with caution and consideration for their overall health.