Doctor issues urgent warning for weight loss shakes – ‘avoid them like the plague’

A doctor has issued a stark warning against weight loss shakes, advising people to “avoid them like the plague.” Dr Rupy Aujla shared his thoughts on weight loss products in a recent episode of his podcast, The Doctor’s Kitchen, highlighting the potential dangers of weight loss shakes. He explained that these shakes can provide a short-term energy boost and calorie reduction, but they may significantly decrease the body’s basal metabolic rate, making it more difficult to maintain weight loss in the long run.

Dr Aujla cautioned that relying on weight loss shakes could lead to yo-yo dieting, where individuals experience fluctuations in weight due to changes in metabolic rate. This pattern is often observed in chronic dieters or those who frequently turn to crash diets. The doctor emphasised the risk of increased weight gain over time for individuals using weight loss shakes regularly. In comparison, Dr Aujla expressed a less critical view of fat-burner pills, stating that the risks associated with these pills may not outweigh the benefits.

Instead of these products, the expert recommended alternative strategies for weight loss, such as increasing protein intake, using fibre supplements, incorporating green tea and caffeine-containing products, and having a cup of coffee before exercise to enhance efforts. Dr Aujla’s advice underscored the importance of sustainable and healthy weight loss practices, cautioning against the potential negative effects of relying on weight loss shakes alone.

The doctor’s strong stance against weight loss shakes serves as a reminder to individuals seeking to lose weight to prioritise balanced nutrition and lifestyle habits over quick-fix solutions that may have adverse effects on long-term health. Dr Aujla’s insights provide valuable guidance for those navigating the complex world of weight loss products and strategies.