Discover quirky gardening tips: From singing to plants to using teabags as fertiliser

Discover Quirky Gardening Tips: From Singing to Plants to Using Teabags as Fertilizer

A recent survey of 2,000 adults has unveiled some of the unique tactics gardeners use to enhance their plant growth. Among the quirky tips and tricks mentioned were tossing used teabags onto the soil, creating beer traps for slugs, using fireplace ash as a fertilizer, and watering plants with potato water.

  • Gardeners spend an average of three hours per week tending to their outdoor spaces.
  • TV shows, social media, and gaming serve as major sources of inspiration for gardening enthusiasts.
  • Watering plants is the favorite gardening activity for 42% of people.
  • 31% find joy in mowing the grass, while 35% love harvesting their own fruit and vegetables.

Sabrina Carmona, VP of Farm Heroes Saga at King, noted that gardening has become a popular pastime, with 66% of gardeners citing satisfaction from seeing results as their primary motivation. Additionally, 47% of individuals view gardening as an escape, while 45% enjoy the nurturing aspect.

The survey identified tomatoes, strawberries, and potatoes as the top three most popular produce grown by gardeners. Furthermore, 27% of respondents aim to save money by growing their own fruits and vegetables. The main goals of gardening include improving mental well-being (47%), aiding the environment (40%), and acquiring new skills (25%).

Top 15 Unusual Hacks to Help Gardens Grow

  1. Using eggshells as fertilizer.
  2. Using used coffee grounds as fertilizer.
  3. Growing new fruits/vegetables from leftover roots/seeds.
  4. Throwing used teabags onto the soil.
  5. Using banana peels as fertilizer.
  6. Talking to plants.
  7. Making beer traps for slugs.
  8. Using fireplace ash as fertilizer.
  9. Using potato water for watering plants.
  10. Sprinkling cayenne pepper to ward off pests.
  11. Using bones as fertilizer.
  12. Singing to plants.
  13. Sprinkling cinnamon on the ground to deter cats.
  14. Destroying fungus with cinnamon.
  15. ‘Planting’ plastic forks to keep animals away.

While 95% of individuals agree that finding time for enjoyable activities is important, 54% cited lack of time as the primary reason preventing them from gardening as much as they would like. Interestingly, 72% believe that gardening is an activity that can be enjoyed by individuals of all ages, not just older people.

Sabrina Carmona highlighted the versatility and inclusivity of gardening as a rewarding hobby. Whether tending to real plants or virtual crops through a puzzle game, gardening offers moments of fun and enjoyment within our busy schedules, providing benefits such as escapism, a sense of achievement, and new skill acquisition.