Dietician explains exactly what to put in a healthy school lunchbox

A health expert has outlined the key components needed for a nutritious school lunchbox to ensure children enjoy a balanced meal. Dietician Lucy Kerrison advised including a protein-packed sandwich, a vegetable snack, fruit, and dairy products in the lunchbox. Kerrison highlighted the importance of incorporating starches like bread, pasta, or rice, along with a variety of vegetables such as cucumber, carrot, or lettuce, and a portion of fruit like an apple, banana, or orange. Recommended dairy options include yoghurts or cheeses, alongside meat, fish, or beans. The recommendations come after a survey of 800 parents who prepare packed lunches revealed that the average child’s lunchbox typically contains a sandwich, crisps, and an apple.

The poll, which was commissioned by Warburtons, indicated that 60% of parents are concerned about balancing nutrition with their children’s meal preferences. Notably, sandwiches were identified as the most common lunchbox item, with 20% of parents including them daily, often with ham or cheese fillings. Sweet treats like yoghurts, biscuits, and chocolate bars were also commonly added to lunchboxes. Warburtons has partnered with Kerrison and Kimberley Walsh, a mother of three and Girls Aloud singer, to promote back-to-basics lunches like sandwiches as a healthy and appealing option for children.

Kerrison explained, “Sandwiches offer a cost-effective, efficient way to provide the nutritional balance children need, including essential nutrients like fibre, B vitamins, calcium, fats, and protein.” The survey revealed that while 75% of parents were unsure if sandwiches were a healthy choice, 79% included them in their children’s lunchboxes, despite only 26% believing the meals to be highly nutritious. Jonathan Warburton stressed the simplicity and nutritional value of sandwiches, reassuring parents that they are a suitable meal option for children’s lunchboxes.

Speaking about the campaign, Kimberley Walsh shared, “As a busy mum, I understand the challenges of preparing healthy packed lunches for children.” She highlighted the importance of sandwiches in providing necessary nutrients for children. The collaborative effort aims to educate parents on creating nutritious meals for their children, particularly as they prepare for the upcoming school season. The initiative seeks to alleviate parents’ concerns about the nutritional value of their children’s lunches and emphasises that simple options like sandwiches can contribute to a well-balanced diet.