‘Dangerous’ far-right teenager’s brutal assault on transgender girl in park

A self-confessed “racist and fascist” teenager was sentenced to an extended 10-year-and-four-month term after a brutal assault on a transgender girl in a Swansea park. Alex Hutton, also known as Alex Edwards, left the victim hospitalised with the imprint of his trainer on her face after using martial arts moves during the attack. The 19-year-old’s assault was captured in a video accompanied by far-right imagery, leading the Crown Prosecution Service to label him as a “dangerous young man” who poses a significant risk to society.

Specialist counter-terrorism officers investigating Hutton discovered the assault in May 2023 while he was already under a criminal behaviour order for previous convictions related to terrorism. The investigation revealed that Hutton had shared extremist videos promoting acts of terrorism, along with Islamophobic, anti-Semitic, homophobic, and transphobic content. He also expressed intentions to carry out terrorist attacks and shared hateful messages on various social media platforms.

Hutton pleaded guilty to several charges, including assault occasioning actual bodily harm and dissemination of a terrorist publication. The Crown Prosecution Service emphasised that Hutton’s attack was driven by hate and that he celebrated white supremacist terrorism. Detective Chief Inspector Leanne Williams from Counter-Terrorism Policing Wales condemned Hutton’s actions, highlighting the lasting impact on the victim and urging him to reflect on his conduct during his time in custody.

Bethan David, head of the counter-terrorism division at the Crown Prosecution Service, described Hutton as a dangerous individual who poses a substantial risk to society. Chief Inspector Lindsey Sweeney of South Wales Police reassured the community that hate crimes like this would not be tolerated, emphasizing Swansea’s multiculturalism and commitment to safety for all residents.

The case serves as a stark reminder of the dangers posed by individuals harbouring extremist views and the importance of combatting hate crimes in all forms. Hutton’s sentencing sends a clear message that such reprehensible behaviour will face severe consequences, underlining the need for vigilance and unity against intolerance and violence in society.