Couple nipped out for a McDonald’s – then their house caught fire with the kids inside

A couple in Rhyl faced a devastating ordeal when their home on Chatsworth Road caught fire while they were out fetching McDonald’s for their children. Danielle Taylor, 33, and Carl Fitzmaurice were left homeless after the fire tore through their house on September 7. The couple had left their four children at home for a quick trip to pick up food, intending to be gone only briefly. However, due to a mix-up with the order, their meal was delayed, leading to further setbacks. After finally collecting the food and dropping Danielle off at the cinema with a friend, Carl received a call from their oldest daughter reporting a fire at home.

Rushing back to the house, Carl discovered the kitchen ablaze but thankfully, their daughters had safely evacuated. Despite the extensive damage to their property, Danielle expressed immense relief that their children had escaped unharmed. The family is now staying with relatives, along with their pets, while they search for a new place to live. Understanding the gravity of their situation, Danielle has taken the initiative to create a GoFundMe campaign with a target of £2,000 to assist in rebuilding their lives.

Describing the devastation caused by the fire, Danielle highlighted the complete write-off of their kitchen and extensive smoke damage throughout the house. The family is facing challenges in finding suitable accommodation from the housing authorities, adding to their predicament. They are seeking financial support to replace essential items lost in the fire, such as beds, furniture, and clothing. While expressing gratitude for the safety of their children, Danielle emphasised the urgent need for assistance in this unforeseen crisis.

The cause of the fire, suspected to have been triggered by a lighter, is under investigation by the North Wales Fire and Rescue Service, with no official statement released yet regarding the incident. The family’s resilience in the face of adversity has touched the hearts of many, with support pouring in from well-wishers. Danielle’s plea for help underscores the challenges faced by the family as they endeavour to rebuild their lives from scratch. The generosity of the community is hoped to provide the necessary support and encouragement as the family navigates through this challenging period.