Councils deluged with requests to change 20mph limit on hundreds of roads

Councils across Wales are facing a flood of requests to change the 20mph speed limit on hundreds of roads, following the introduction of the default 20mph speed limit nearly a year ago. Residents have the opportunity to ask councils to review the speed limits on 20mph roads as part of a review of the new default speed limit.

An overwhelming response has led to a single Welsh council receiving requests to change 149 roads back from 20mph to 30mph. This comes after a significant backlash prompted the Welsh Government to announce a review of the guidance given to councils regarding which roads could return to 30mph. Welsh transport minister Ken Skates revealed that changes would be considered for mainly A and B roads that were previously 20mph, turning back to 30mph. The focus would be on strategic routes through urban areas, with 20mph limits remaining in areas where pedestrians and cyclists share the road with vehicles, unless strong evidence supports higher speeds as safe.

Starting this September, councils will begin evaluating suggestions for road changes. If deemed necessary, councils can apply for a portion of the £5 million allocated to reverse the speed limit changes that were implemented last September. Several councils have disclosed the number of requests they’ve received. Conwy council reported requests to review 149 roads in the county, while Flintshire council stated receiving over 956 requests for reinstating 30mph limits without specifying the number of affected roads. Monmouthshire council is currently conducting an ongoing listening exercise to determine the impact of requested changes.

Pembrokeshire council acknowledged receiving significant correspondence on the 20mph issue following Ken Skates’ call to contact councils. As councils assess the requests and consider potential speed limit alterations, residents are encouraged to provide detailed information to support their suggestions for changing speed limits. Overall, the review process is underway to address the concerns and opinions regarding 20mph speed limits on various roads throughout Wales.