Migraines can be a debilitating experience for those who suffer from them, causing intense pain and discomfort that can last for hours or even days. These severe headaches often come with additional symptoms such as nausea, sensitivity to light, and visual disturbances, which can significantly impact daily life, leaving sufferers desperate for relief.
There are numerous ways to alleviate these symptoms, ranging from medication to home remedies. However, one expert has highlighted three key methods he believes can provide “instant relief naturally”. Dr Brandon Brown, an Upper Cervical Chiropractor based in Dallas, Texas, is the founder of the Migraine Society Community and frequently shares his knowledge on migraine relief online.
In a recent video that has garnered more than 56,000 likes, he explained: “Everyone’s migraine is a little bit different. There are many different types. Just because your body doesn’t respond to one or multiple ways, doesn’t mean that there isn’t something that will work for you.” Dr Brown revealed three techniques that have proven effective for some of his patients – including cold exposure and the ‘tapping’ method.
Cold Exposure
According to Dr Brown, exposing your body to colder temperatures can help due to its “stimulating” effect. He elaborated: “Cold exposure is stimulating to your vagus nerve.” “It can actually help get you out of that sympathetic stress state that is causing your body to have a migraine and get you into a more parasympathetic, relaxed state. Now you can go extreme and get a cold plunge, or go buy ice and get a tub.”
He even suggested filling a bowl with iced water and dunking your hand in “for as long as possible” – before taking your hand out and putting your face in. “If you do this proactively as a way to strengthen your nervous system, it can decrease the frequency and intensity of your migraines,” he added.
Breathing exercises
His second piece of advice was to “focus on your breathing” because getting more oxygen into your body is “super crucial” for managing a migraine. The chiropractor insists “most people don’t use their full lung capacity”. What he recommended instead was taking 30 breaths using the 20-30 breathing exercise. This particular method, often linked with yoga, entails engaging in deep, rapid breaths, inhaling via the nose and exhaling through the mouth.
Once finished, breathe out completely and hold your breath for as long as is comfortably possible before inhaling deeply and holding for 20 seconds. This practice elevates oxygen levels, aiding relaxation and concentration.
‘Tapping’ technique
His ultimate advice was to try the “tapping” method for calming the body and stimulating the nervous system – a technique he acknowledges “sounds silly” but assures it is effective. He explained: “Tapping is where you tap certain points on your body top of your head, above, below the eyebrows, blade of the hand, chest, collarbones.
“And you’re going to say to yourself, calming, healing phrases that you need to hear. Sound silly? Look it up. Telling you it works. The other one is going to be movement. Get up. Move your body around. Shake it around. Move that energy around inside of your body. Let it come out. Let yourself laugh, cry, dance and move. Those things are stimulating to your nervous system.”
After trying out the suggestions, TikTok users were astounded by the results. One user reported: “Currently battling a migraine about to try the ice one,” while another expressed gratitude: “Thank you so much for this, it made me feel better!” A third wrote: “Not going to lie this worked. It’s not completely gone but I found some ease. That I can open my eyes.” However, someone else argued: “Been here for four hours with a hemiplegic migraine. Not working.” In response, Dr Brown recommended: “Hemiplegic is very serious. I would seek out a specialist like me ASAP.”