Cardiff Council leader denies immigrants are ‘coming here and getting an instant council house’

Cardiff Council leader denies immigrants are ‘coming here and getting an instant council house’

The leader of Cardiff Council, Cllr Huw Thomas, has refuted claims that immigrants are arriving in the city and immediately receiving council houses. At a recent meeting of the city council’s policy review and performance scrutiny committee, Cllr Thomas addressed the issue of disinformation surrounding Cardiff’s housing crisis. The committee was presented with a report highlighting the increased demand for temporary and emergency housing and services, particularly after 497 asylum seekers had to vacate their accommodation due to positive decisions on their asylum claims between October and December 2023.

Cllr Thomas clarified that asylum seekers who are granted leave to remain in the UK will cease to receive asylum support. Despite misinformation suggesting that asylum seekers are being allocated council homes instantly, Cllr Thomas emphasised that this is not the case. He highlighted the investment made by the council, with support from the Welsh Government, in developing supported and temporary accommodation at the Gasworks site in Grangetown. The site, which includes modular homes and provides housing for families in Cardiff, has been wrongly labelled as a refugee camp by certain groups.

Construction began on the modular homes at the Gasworks site in 2022, resulting in the creation of 155 temporary homes for Cardiff residents. Cllr Thomas expressed the council’s commitment to combating misinformation and stressed the importance of public understanding regarding the housing support provided to asylum seekers. He acknowledged the legal obligations local authorities have in accommodating asylum seekers and mentioned that the expansion of specific facilities is helping alleviate pressure on the general housing waiting list.

During the committee meeting, Cllr Garry Hunt raised a question about improving communication around the council’s support for refugees. Cllr Thomas assured that efforts would continue to enhance communication and support for refugees. The leader’s remarks come amidst ongoing challenges posed by misinformation and misconceptions surrounding housing provision for asylum seekers. The emphasis remains on clarifying the council’s initiatives and debunking falsehoods to ensure accurate information reaches the public.