Brits vow never to return to Cyprus after ‘relentless surge’ change

Brits swear off returning to Cyprus after ‘relentless surge’ change

UK tourists are expressing their disappointment with Cyprus, with many adamant about never returning after recent negative experiences. Despite the island’s traditionally high repeat visitor rate of over 30 percent, holidaymakers are now boycotting Cyprus for future trips. Complaints have surfaced regarding the aggressive sales tactics in Ayia Napa, with one tourist telling Cyprus Mail: “Everywhere in Ayia Napa, there are reps. They get in your face, touch your body…” Another visitor criticised the atmosphere in the resort: “Ayia Napa was disgusting. Drunk Brits everywhere, even on the beach. The music was so loud we couldn’t sleep. And everyone was selling something. I don’t really want to come back.” Issues such as overcrowded beaches, extreme heat exceeding 40 degrees, and dirty water have also been raised by disillusioned holidaymakers.

Reflecting on his unexpected experience with the scorching heat, 28-year-old Harry from Manchester shared his disappointment, stating: “We looked up the weather before we came. But it said Cyprus would be in the mid-30s in July, which we thought was manageable as we’ve coped with similar in Spain. But we didn’t anticipate a relentless surge beyond 40 degrees.” Some tourists have highlighted the significant changes they’ve noticed over the years during their visits, with one individual expressing how Cyprus has transformed from a gem to a commercialised tourist hub. While acknowledging that change is inevitable, many tourists feel that Cyprus has lost its authenticity over the years, becoming overcrowded and focused on development.

The tourism sector in Cyprus is reportedly encountering challenges, with a decline in bookings and approximately 30,000 cancellations earlier this year, resulting in an economic loss of around £30 million according to Deputy Minister of Tourism, Kostas Koumis. Despite these setbacks, Koumis highlighted the country’s ‘remarkable growth’ in both tourist numbers and revenues, stating: “There is no doubt that the current year is a year full of challenges for the tourism industry worldwide…The performance of the Cyprus tourism industry remains strong and the sector shows resilience.”

As disgruntled travellers continue to share their negative experiences, Cyprus is grappling with the repercussions of dissatisfied visitors and a shift in tourism trends. The once popular holiday destination for Brits is now facing a wave of criticism and a decline in interest from disillusioned tourists.