Brits can stop giant spider invasion this mating season by putting 3 scents around the home

Britons can tackle the invasion of giant spiders during this mating season by strategically placing three distinct scents around their homes, reports Wales Online. As summer progresses towards the end of August, massive spiders typically seek shelter indoors, posing a challenge for arachnophobes. The peak of spider numbers infiltrating homes usually occurs in September, coinciding with the start of spider mating season where male spiders venture indoors in search of female partners.

Moreover, the UK is witnessing a resurgence of the Fen raft spiders, the country’s largest spider species that can grow to the size of rats and even hunt fish. Conservation efforts have contributed to the steady increase in their population. To combat these arachnid intruders, individuals can employ simple yet effective methods to spider-proof their homes, including the use of scents that spiders find repulsive.

According to Country Living, strong fragrances serve as excellent deterrents for spiders. The article recommends using peppermint oil by adding 15 to 20 drops to a spray bottle filled with water and spritzing it around the house. Regularly changing the oil is crucial to maintain its effectiveness. Additionally, scents like tea tree, lavender, and rose can also deter spiders in a similar manner.

Cinnamon’s aroma is known to repel spiders as well, making it another useful scent to keep spiders at bay. Consider stocking up on dried cinnamon sticks, fragrance oils, or scented candles to create an unpleasant environment for spiders. Citrus scents, particularly from orange and lemon peels, are also effective in deterring spiders. Rubbing these peels along skirting boards, window sills, and bookshelves can help repel spiders. Using lemon-scented cleaners and burning citronella candles inside and outside the home are additional strategies to ward off these unwelcome arachnids.

By incorporating these scents strategically around the home, Britons can reduce the likelihood of encountering spiders during this peak season. Implementing these fragrant solutions offers a natural and pleasant way to combat the spider invasion and create a more spider-free living environment.