BBC doctor and 24 Hours in A&E star shares unusual 55p remedy to help cold and flu symptoms

A BBC doctor and star of “24 Hours in A&E” recently shared an unusual remedy costing just 55p to alleviate cold and flu symptoms. Dr. Oscar Duke, known for his appearances on the medical documentary series, revealed his home remedy tips to combat cold and flu symptoms.

Speaking on BBC Morning Live, Dr. Duke highlighted the impact of colder weather and close proximity in facilitating the spread of viruses causing colds and flus. He discussed the effectiveness of flu jabs, explaining the eligibility criteria for adults and children to receive the vaccination.

Dr. Duke also addressed the common dilemma of distinguishing between cold and flu symptoms. He shared key differences, such as the gradual onset for colds compared to the sudden appearance of flu symptoms, and feeling unwell but capable of regular activities with a cold versus exhaustion and inability to function normally with the flu.

One cost-effective remedy mentioned by Dr. Duke is using salt water to help alleviate cold and flu symptoms, with a study indicating a reduction in symptom duration by about two days. The simple concoction involves mixing salt and bicarbonate of soda in water and using it as a nasal spray or gargle to help relieve congestion and discomfort.

Additionally, Dr. Duke recommended practices like consuming chicken soup, honey, and maintaining a healthy diet to aid in faster recovery from colds and flu. These natural remedies, along with proper hydration and rest, can contribute to easing symptoms and supporting the body’s immune response.

In conclusion, Dr. Oscar Duke’s advice offers a cost-efficient and practical approach to managing cold and flu symptoms, providing individuals with accessible remedies to alleviate discomfort during the colder months. Taking proactive steps to care for one’s health can make a significant difference in coping with seasonal illnesses.