Abusive man strangled partner and told police ‘I will murder her when I get out’

A man from Blackwood, Bradley McCoy, was sentenced to 12 months in prison after he assaulted his partner multiple times, threatened to murder her, and damaged her belongings. The court heard that McCoy, 25, strangled his partner when she discovered a video of him having sex with another woman. The abusive incidents occurred while McCoy was intoxicated. The first assault took place on March 16, where McCoy backhanded his partner, causing her a black eye. On May 3, McCoy strangled the victim after she confronted him about the video on his phone, leading to a physical altercation.

Despite briefly ending the relationship, McCoy continued to display abusive behaviour towards his partner. On May 10, McCoy damaged the victim’s iPhone by throwing it against a wall, and on May 21, he went to the victim’s home multiple times during the early hours of the morning, causing further distress. McCoy physically assaulted his partner, threw alcohol at her, and made threats towards her safety. Neighbours called the police, who arrived to intervene and eventually arrested McCoy.

During the arrest, McCoy made chilling comments to the police officers, stating his intent to harm the victim upon his release. In court, McCoy pleaded guilty to intentional strangulation, assault occasioning actual bodily harm, battery, and two counts of criminal damage. The victim, in a statement read by the prosecutor, expressed feeling numb, anxious, and scared for her safety following the traumatic incidents. McCoy’s defence described the relationship as toxic and mentioned his issues with alcohol and substance misuse.

The judge, Recorder John Philpotts, sentenced McCoy to 12 months in prison and imposed a restraining order for five years. The court also mentioned McCoy’s previous conviction for possession of cocaine. The case serves as a reminder of the serious consequences of domestic abuse and the importance of seeking help. Resources such as the Live Fear Free helpline and Refuge charity provide support and assistance to individuals experiencing domestic violence. It is crucial for those in abusive situations to reach out for help and ensure their safety and well-being.