A drink-driver wrecked this woman’s home – his punishment has left her furious

A Drink-driver Causes Havoc at Woman’s Home and Leaves Her Furious

Lesley Turner, a resident of Bridgend, was left horrified when a drink-driver crashed into her home, destroying the sanctity of her living space. Turner, a 67-year-old with severe obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), was inside her bungalow when a car smashed into the wall just a few meters away from where she sat watching TV.

The incident, which occurred on Sunday, June 23, left Turner traumatized as bricks flew around her, narrowly missing her. She had spent 18 months meticulously decorating her home, only to have it wrecked in a matter of moments by the 20-year-old driver, Jonn Esguerra.

Esguerra, who was found to have 43mcg of alcohol per 100ml of breath at the time of the crash, above the legal limit of 35mcg, was handed a light sentence at Cardiff Magistrates’ Court. The punishment included a 12-month driving ban, a £120 fine, £85 in prosecution costs, and a £48 victim services surcharge, much to Turner’s dismay.

Expressing her frustration, Turner criticized the lack of compensation for her as a result of the incident, stating, “It’s disgusting. I want to cry. There’s absolutely no justice at all. He’s ruined my life.”

Following the crash, Turner’s OCD symptoms worsened as she spent around 12 hours a day cleaning her home. The trauma from the near-miss has amplified her cleaning compulsions, leading her to use copious amounts of cleaning products daily.

  • Turner spent nearly £4,000 on her home in the 18 months before the crash.
  • She highlighted the severe impact the incident had on her mental health, leading to increased anxiety and hyperventilation.
  • Despite some repair work conducted by the housing association, Turner still struggles with the aftermath of the crash.
  • Turner expressed disappointment over the court’s sentence, especially after her doctor emphasized the crash’s detrimental effects on her well-being.

The incident not only physically damaged Turner’s home but also deeply affected her mental state, leaving her grappling with anxiety and financial strain due to the extensive cleaning requirements post-accident.

This case sheds light on the inadequate consequences often faced by individuals responsible for such significant disruptions in others’ lives and underscores the need for appropriate measures to address the emotional and financial toll on victims.