Mum’s world ‘turned upside down’ after noticing something in toddler’s eye

A mother and father were left shocked after noticing a peculiar reflection in their daughter’s eye, leading to a diagnosis of a rare form of cancer. Sophie and Stephen McKenna observed light reflecting in the eye of their two-year-old daughter, Lola, who had also been experiencing more frequent falls, as reported by the Liverpool Echo. Following this observation, Sophie, 32, took Lola, now three years old, to see their GP in May this year, who promptly referred her to an optician. Lola underwent referrals to multiple specialist hospitals before being identified with retinoblastoma, according to the MEN. Sophie expressed how her world was “turned upside down” upon receiving the cancer diagnosis for her toddler, praising Lola as an “absolute warrior”. Sophie, residing in Woodchurch, Merseyside, shared, “Lola wasn’t poorly and never complained of her eye hurting.”

The parents had not noticed any significant changes in Lola’s vision, attributing her increased falls to normal toddler behaviour. However, upon realising the significance of the reflection, Sophie wasted no time in seeking medical advice. Following visits to an optician, Arrowe Park Hospital, Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, and a specialist team in Birmingham, Lola was confirmed to have a tumour in her eye known as retinoblastoma. The news devastated the family, with Sophie expressing, “It was a major shock and still is today. You never think it will happen to your family, never mind your two-year-old baby girl.” She continued, “It turned our world upside down, it was so out of the blue and was very much the unknown.”

Struggling to come to terms with Lola’s diagnosis, Sophie has been unable to return to work. Despite the challenges, Lola has shown tremendous strength and resilience throughout the ordeal. Sophie emphasised that recognising the symptoms of Lola’s condition earlier could have led to an earlier detection of the cancer. She now aims to raise awareness about retinoblastoma and its indicators, such as a white glow or reflection in the pupil, crossed eyes, and changes in eye colour. A GoFundMe page has been established to support Lola and her family while also spreading awareness about the disease. Contributions will be directed to The Childhood Eye Cancer Trust, a charity specialising in eye cancer.