‘The night I was raped at 11 years old was the most traumatic of my life’

A woman’s rapist was finally caught after 47 years, found living in a care home. The words of a woman raped at 11 years old whose childhood was entirely blighted by the despicable attack were heard for the first time in public as her attacker was finally brought to justice. It was some 47 years ago that then young girl was violated by a stranger as she walked home from Girl Guides in Cardiff.

While Denis Coles, now 73, was able to live for decades seemingly with impunity, his victim lived with anxiety, depression and nightmares. At one point, she made an attempt to take her own life. On Thursday, September 13, 2024, the impact of Coles’ selfish, cruel sexual violence in 1977 was finally made public when he appeared in Cardiff Crown Court. A police cold case review using modern DNA techniques linked semen samples from her clothes to an elderly man in a care home in Rumney, Cardiff.

After his attack of 47 years earlier was described in court, detailing how he waited for the girl on a hill, dragged her away and raped her, he was forced to listen to prosecutor James Wilson reading her words describing the impact it had on her. The victim spoke about the traumatic experience of being just 11 years old at the time of the rape. She mentioned the horrific thoughts that ran through her mind during the attack and the long-lasting impact it had on her mental health.

The victim shared her struggles with coping after the assault, including an attempt to take her own life at 12 years old. She further described the emotional turmoil of having to relive the trauma when police officers approached her following the DNA match with Coles. Despite the decades that had passed, the victim expressed her gratitude that justice was finally being served.

Due to Coles being deemed unfit to plead because of cognitive impairment caused by a stroke, the case in Cardiff Crown Court was a trial of the facts. Though Coles was not fit to plead, Judge Tracey Lloyd-Clarke acknowledged the victim’s suffering and fear during the assault. She noted that if Coles had been fit to plead, he would have faced a substantial custodial sentence for his actions.

The judge expressed sympathy for the victim, recognizing the lifelong impact of the assault on her mental health. Sentencing Coles to a supervision order for two years and requiring him to adhere to sex offender notification requirements for eight years, the judge acknowledged the victim’s enduring trauma and wished her well in her future. The victim’s bravery in coming forward and seeking justice serves as a testament to her strength and resilience in the face of adversity.