The ridiculous speeds drivers have been clocked doing in 20mph zones

Drivers in Wales have been caught exceeding the 20mph speed limit at alarming rates, with the highest recorded speed reaching a shocking 88mph. The latest figures from GoSafe reveal a concerning trend of more drivers breaking the speed limit than ever before, particularly in both mid and south Wales and north Wales. Enforcement of the 20mph limit began rolling out in different regions, starting in November for mid and south Wales and later in March for north Wales.

In May 2024, both areas saw the highest recorded speed of 88mph, and in July, north Wales recorded the same speed. The data for August shows a significant increase in offences, with mid and south Wales reporting 7,326 violations and north Wales reaching 7,958 offences. The spike in offences in north Wales in July may be attributed to the end of a period where advice letters were issued instead of fines, coupled with increased mobile enforcement in areas of road safety concern.

GoSafe, responsible for speed cameras in Wales, has expanded enforcement sites and adjusted fixed cameras to address speeding concerns. The default 20mph speed limit, implemented in September 2023, is currently under review by Wales’ 22 councils to assess the impact of speed changes on various roads. The initiative aims to enhance road safety and compliance with speed limits across the country.

The rise in drivers caught speeding underscores the importance of adhering to speed limits, especially in residential or built-up areas where road safety is a paramount concern. As authorities continue to monitor and enforce speed limits, drivers are urged to respect and abide by speed restrictions to ensure the safety of all road users. Stay tuned for further updates on speed limit enforcement and road safety measures in Wales.