Thousands of people being contacted by NHS over ‘incorrect’ blood test results

Approximately 11,000 patients are currently in the process of being contacted by Bedfordshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust regarding incorrect blood test results. The trust identified an issue with the machine that analyses HbA1c blood tests on specific dates in April and July, potentially leading to misdiagnosis for some individuals. HbA1c blood tests are crucial for determining and monitoring diabetes, with higher levels typically indicating the condition. These inaccuracies only pertain to tests conducted at the laboratory in Luton and Dunstable University Hospital and specifically affect HbA1c blood tests.

The affected patients across Luton, south Bedfordshire, and Hertfordshire are being urged to undergo retests as a precautionary measure. The trust is proactively reaching out to individuals who may have received incorrect results, advising against unnecessary inquiries to healthcare providers to streamline the retesting process. Patients are advised not to present for a retest unless directly contacted by the hospital via phone or letter, ensuring they bring the provided blood request form for verification.

In light of the situation, the trust extended a sincere apology to impacted individuals, acknowledging any distress or inconvenience caused. A thorough review is underway to investigate the root cause of the error and implement necessary improvements for future prevention. The hospital’s statement emphasised the commitment to rectifying the issue promptly and ensuring patient well-being throughout the retesting process.

As part of the retesting initiative, the hospital is mobilising efforts to provide accurate diagnoses and minimise any potential impact on patient health outcomes. The proactive approach adopted by Bedfordshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust reflects a commitment to effective communication and patient care in addressing unforeseen challenges within the healthcare system.