Welsh cabinet secretary to meet with cladding campaigners over delays to high-rise safety works

Welsh Cabinet Secretary to Meet with Cladding Campaigners Over Safety Work Delays

The new Welsh cabinet secretary for housing has agreed to meet with cladding campaigners after concerns were raised regarding delays in making high-rise buildings fire-safe. Welsh Cladiators reached out to Jayne Bryant in August to express worries about the slow progress and to advocate for a consultation forum with affected residents and leaseholders. The cabinet secretary will engage with representatives of Welsh Cladiators next month to review remediation progress in a stakeholder group setting.

  • Leaseholders campaigning for years for remediation work
  • Celestia flats in Cardiff Bay facing legal battle over building defects
  • Redrow offering to fund fire safety works at Celestia

Some leaseholders, like those at Celestia flats in Cardiff Bay, have been persistent in their efforts to push for remediation work and hold developers accountable. Celestia Management Company Limited and a small group of leaseholders have pursued legal action against Redrow, the developers behind the complex, to address building defects. Despite challenges, progress is being made, with planning permission secured for external fire safety remedial works at Celestia.

Developers Committed to High-Rise Safety But Challenges Persist

In the wake of the Grenfell Tower tragedy, where 72 lives were lost in a fire in 2017, a number of developers in Wales have committed to addressing life-threatening fire safety issues in high-rise buildings through a building safety pact. However, campaigners argue that the pace of remediation efforts is sluggish, calling for new legislation and sanctions to expedite the process. Welsh Cladiators emphasize the need for urgency and transparency in resolving safety issues across Wales.

Welsh Cladiators express frustration over delays in remediation progress

Campaigners highlight instances where developers, freeholders, and managing agents engage in prolonged discussions over access issues and licenses instead of prioritizing safety measures. The lack of prompt action and clear communication poses risks to residents and undermines efforts to rectify building defects in a timely manner. The urgency for swift and decisive action to ensure the safety of high-rise buildings remains a pressing concern.

Concerns Over Slow Progress

Campaigners stress the importance of expediting remediation efforts to safeguard residents and address fire safety issues promptly. The meeting between the cabinet secretary and Welsh Cladiators presents an opportunity to address challenges, streamline communication, and accelerate remediation progress. The need for collaboration, transparency, and decisive action is paramount in ensuring the safety and well-being of residents in high-rise buildings across Wales.