‘Sex act gave me cancer, but I’m recovering – and I feel grateful’

Man Shares Experience of Battling Cancer Caused by Sex Act

A man named Max courageously shared his journey of fighting cancer that was contracted through a sexual act, with the aim of breaking down stigmas and spreading awareness to potentially save lives.

Max expressed, “Hollywood legend Michael Douglas is one of the very few who’s been willing to discuss his own experience of this delicate matter – and he was greeted with widespread disbelief and ridicule.”

Max revealed that his throat cancer was caused by the HPV virus, commonly linked to cervical cancer, and in his case, transmitted through oral sex. He emphasized the importance of educating more people about this mode of transmission.

Max disclosed, “An HPV16-positive oral squamous cell carcinoma of the tonsil, to be precise.”

He highlighted the increasing cases of throat and mouth cancers due to HPV contracted through oral sex, a risk factor now widely acknowledged. Despite the lack of conversation around this issue, around 8,600 new cases in men and 3,900 in women are diagnosed yearly.

Max shared, “Nearly all of us will encounter this microbe within months of becoming sexually active — and we won’t even know about it.”

Max’s message resonated the importance of raising awareness about the possibility of oral sex leading to cancer to destigmatize the topic. He also urged men to promptly address any symptoms and seek medical assistance.

Max concluded, “Fortunately, HPV-related mouth and throat cancers respond very well to treatment, if caught early enough.”

Max expressed gratitude for his recovery despite the challenging battle with cancer, acknowledging the support received from the NHS during his treatment. His positive outcome serves as a reminder of the significance of early detection and timely intervention in cancer cases.