Heartburn sufferer swears by 30p sweet that’s ‘better than Gaviscon and Rennie’

Heartburn Sufferer Recommends 30p Sweet Over Gaviscon and Rennie

A heartburn sufferer, Chloe, reveals a budget-friendly solution to combat heartburn symptoms. She suggests opting for a 30p sweet treat as a more effective alternative to traditional over-the-counter medications like Gaviscon and Rennie. Chloe shared her discovery on TikTok, emphasizing the surprising nature of this remedy.

“It’s actually love hearts. When you get that feeling, these are a game changer if you get heartburn. Trust me.”

The unconventional advice has garnered significant attention, with thousands of viewers expressing their eagerness to try this simple yet reportedly effective solution. Some viewers shared their excitement, vowing to head to the store immediately to test out Chloe’s recommendation. The sweets in question are Swizzels’ Love Hearts, readily available at supermarkets like Tesco for a mere 30p per packet.

In the comments section of Chloe’s video, other individuals added their own tips for relieving heartburn. These suggestions included drinking milk or trying another type of sweet called Refreshers. The variety of responses highlights the diverse methods people use to manage heartburn discomfort.

Understanding Heartburn

Heartburn is characterized by a burning sensation in the chest caused by stomach acid traveling up into the throat. This condition, also known as acid reflux, can be indicative of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD) if it occurs frequently. Symptoms of heartburn may worsen after meals, when lying down, or when bending over. Additional symptoms can include a persistent cough, hiccups, a hoarse voice, bad breath, bloating, and nausea.

Potential Causes and Triggers of Heartburn

  • Certain foods and drinks like coffee, tomatoes, alcohol, chocolate, and spicy or fatty foods
  • Being overweight
  • Smoking
  • Pregnancy
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Some medications such as anti-inflammatory painkillers
  • Hiatus hernia
  • Stomach ulcer
  • Bacterial infection in the stomach

Lifestyle Recommendations

Implementing certain lifestyle changes can help alleviate or prevent heartburn. The NHS advises individuals to consume smaller, more frequent meals and consider weight loss if excess weight is a contributing factor to heartburn discomfort. By making these adjustments, individuals may experience relief from the symptoms associated with heartburn.