NHS doctor warns against dangerous car sitting position that could cause severe injury

An NHS doctor has issued a warning about a dangerous sitting position that could lead to severe injury in a car accident. Dr. Arthur Joustra highlighted five things he would “never do as a doctor,” with the first being a caution against sitting in the passenger seat of a car with feet on the dashboard. He emphasized the potential risks involved, stating that in the event of a crash, the airbags deploying could fold a person “in half like yesterday’s laundry.” The doctor urged individuals to keep their feet down while seated in a car for safety.

In a previous crash simulation by engineers and data scientists at the Road and Maritime Services Crashlab in Australia, it was demonstrated how sitting with feet on the dashboard could result in serious injuries during a collision. The impact of the crash caused the dummy’s feet to be pushed into their face by the deploying airbag, with the seatbelt causing significant damage as well. Dr. John Crozier outlined potential injuries that include a ruptured bowel and torn spinal column, highlighting the dangerous consequences of such a sitting position in a vehicle.

A chilling X-ray image shared by a police officer in 2020 further underscored the risks of placing feet on the dashboard. The X-ray showed a passenger’s pelvis completely dislocated and fractured, along with multiple leg fractures, following a car crash. The officer urged drivers to stop immediately if they see passengers adopting this risky position and to educate them on the potential dangers.

Aside from the car sitting warning, Dr. Joustra also advised against behaviours such as using power tools without safety glasses, using trampolines unsafely, barbecuing large cuts of meat without experience, and skiing beyond one’s competency level. These precautions aim to prevent unnecessary accidents and injuries that could have been avoided with proper awareness and care.

Overall, the doctor’s advice serves as a reminder to the public to prioritize safety and take preventive measures to avoid serious harm, especially in everyday situations like travelling in a vehicle. Awareness of potential risks and adopting safe practices can make a significant difference in averting preventable accidents and injuries.