Tredegar DRUG dealer made nearly £100,000 during the corona virus outbreak.

Six years and six months Corrie Morgan, 24, from Tredegar, was jailed for for running an “organised crime enterprise”.

Rosamund Rutter, prosecuting, told a Proceeds of Crime Act hearing at Cardiff Crown Court that the defendant benefitted by £97,349.05 from drug trafficking, but had just £460 available in realisable assets which can actually be seized by the police.
He faces an extra six months in prison in default if he does not hand over the missing cash.

The defendant did not appear in court but was represented by Jeffrey Jones.

During Morgan’s sentencing hearing earlier this year, Cardiff Crown Court heard how he and his friend Grant McDonald, were behind a successful drug dealing operation that flourished between December 2019 and October 2020.

“Morgan played a significant role with McDonald as his right-hand man.

“It was an organised crime enterprise and business appeared to be booming, even during the pandemic.

“They had contacts with upscale suppliers.”

According to a member Gwent Police an drugs expert Detective

Morgan, of Ysguborwen, pleaded guilty to being concerned in the supply of cocaine and possession of cocaine with intent to supply.
McDonald, 24, of Princess Court, Tredegar, admitted being concerned in the supply of cocaine.

Kevin Seal, for McDonald, asked the court to give the defendant the appropriate credit for his guilty plea.
His barrister added: “He has made a foolish mistake at an early stage of his life.

“He feels like he has left down his family more than himself.”

Judge Jeremy Jenkins told the defendants: “Class A drugs account for almost all the crime which comes through these courts.

“It is an awful trade. It is a dead end gentlemen. It goes nowhere.

“Mr Morgan, you boasted about the money you had and the money you were making.”

McDonald received five years and six months.

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