She was injected and restrained, left broken and terrified. At the funeral her mum made a vow

Ayla Haines was a young girl who faced a lifetime of challenges due to her mental health condition. Her mother, Jane, noticed signs of obsessions and compulsions when Ayla was just seven years old. These behaviours escalated as she grew older, leading to severe self-harm and anorexia. Despite numerous hospital stays, Ayla’s condition deteriorated, and she was eventually admitted to a facility over 200 miles away from her home in Carmarthen, Wales.

Tragically, Ayla took her own life at the age of 29, prompting her mother Jane to speak out about the failings she believed contributed to her daughter’s death. Jane believes that Ayla may have had autism, a condition that went undiagnosed for most of her life. She highlights issues such as punitive treatment, misdiagnosis, and the lack of suitable facilities in Wales as factors that impacted Ayla’s care and treatment.

Despite Ayla’s struggles, Jane emphasises her daughter’s compassion and concern for others, even in the face of her own suffering. The distance from home, restricted visits, and punitive measures in some facilities further exacerbated Ayla’s mental health challenges. Jane recounts the heartbreaking experiences of leaving Ayla in hospitals, witnessing her deteriorating condition with each visit.

Jane’s advocacy aims to shed light on the shortcomings in Ayla’s care and to raise awareness for others facing similar challenges. She believes that Ayla was failed by a system that should have provided better support and treatment closer to home. Jane’s campaign for improved mental health services honours Ayla’s memory and seeks to prevent others from enduring similar struggles.

The response from hospitals, health boards, and the Welsh Government reflects a commitment to improving mental health services and addressing the challenges highlighted in Ayla’s case. While progress is being made to provide more specialist care within Wales, there is acknowledgment of the complexities involved in cases requiring highly specialised treatment.

Ayla’s story serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of accessible and appropriate mental health services for individuals facing complex conditions. Jane’s advocacy for improved support reflects a deep desire to ensure that her daughter’s suffering was not in vain. The impact of Ayla’s life and tragic death continues to resonate, driving efforts towards better mental health care for all individuals in need.