Summer of sport motivates UK children to try new activities – take quiz to find out which one they should do next

A survey of 1,000 children aged six to 12 in the UK has revealed that 83% of them are keen to try a new sport after being inspired by major sporting events over the summer, such as the Euros and Wimbledon. The study also found that 86% of the children are interested in taking up a new activity this year. Furthermore, 79% of youngsters who watched the Olympics are now motivated to try a new sport.

The research, commissioned by filled crepe manufacturer Whaoo!, identified the impact of these sporting events on children’s enthusiasm for trying new activities. The findings highlight that parents are also supportive of their children exploring different sports, with 83% expressing a desire for their child to try a new sport.

Despite the motivation and interest shown by children, barriers such as the cost of equipment, sustainability of interest, and finding time for new activities were identified as significant challenges. To keep children energised for sports activities, 75% of parents make sure to have a tasty snack prepared for them, with 81% of children thinking about what they can eat immediately after physical exertion.

The survey also delved into children’s preferences regarding sports, with 45% favouring team sports and 33% leaning towards individual pursuits. When it came to the type of sport, half of the children preferred outdoor activities like rugby or cycling, while 30% opted for indoor sports such as gymnastics or martial arts.

Interestingly, the research highlighted that while some children believed certain sports were gender-specific, a significant proportion disagreed with this notion. The top 10 sports that children are most eager to try after watching them this summer include swimming, football, tennis, athletics, gymnastics, basketball, cycling, skateboarding, trampolining, and boxing.

In light of the survey results, a spokesperson from Whaoo! emphasised the importance of parents supporting their children’s newfound interest in sports, as well as providing them with nourishing snacks to refuel after activities. The study underscores the positive impact major sporting events can have on children’s motivation to explore new sports and activities.