Man strangled wife, made her life hell and said he’d kill her if she left him

Man strangled wife, made her life hell and said he’d kill her if she left him
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The Cardiff Crown Court recently heard a harrowing case of domestic abuse, where a man, Amit Sinha, 35, subjected his wife to a living nightmare, threatening her life and creating an atmosphere of fear and control. Sinha’s abusive behaviour escalated to the point where he physically strangled his wife, causing her to lose consciousness, and frequently wielded sharp objects to instil fear in her.
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Sinha’s violent tendencies emerged after the couple moved to Wales in 2023, following their initial meeting through an Indian marital website. Despite their marriage starting off positively, Sinha’s alcohol abuse spiralled into a pattern of aggressive behaviour every two to three days, particularly when intoxicated. His actions included demanding food in the middle of the night, brandishing knives at his wife, and threatening her with harm if she ever tried to leave him.

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The victim, whose identity remains protected, endured traumatic experiences, such as having objects held to her throat and being physically restrained by Sinha. In one terrifying incident, Sinha strangled his wife to the point of unconsciousness, leaving her fearing for her life and causing her to hide all sharp objects in the house to protect herself. Sinha’s threats of violence and control extended to monitoring her phone and restricting her movements, creating a pervasive atmosphere of fear and intimidation.

The situation reached a breaking point when a concerned bystander saw the victim attempting to escape from Sinha in the street and intervened by calling the police, leading to Sinha’s arrest. Sinha subsequently pleaded guilty to charges of intentional strangulation and controlling and coercive behaviour, showing some remorse for his actions which were attributed to his struggles with alcohol abuse.

During the sentencing hearing, Judge Eugene Egan condemned Sinha’s actions, highlighting the manipulation and abuse he inflicted on his wife. Despite claiming to be remorseful, Sinha was sentenced to 26 months in prison and was issued a 10-year restraining order to protect the victim from further harm. The victim, in a poignant statement read in court, expressed the emotional and psychological toll of the abuse, detailing her struggles to recover and regain a sense of safety and normalcy in her life.

The case serves as a stark reminder of the pervasive issue of domestic abuse and the enduring impact it has on survivors. The victim’s courage in coming forward and seeking justice sheds light on the importance of providing support and protection to those trapped in abusive relationships. As the legal system works to hold perpetrators accountable, it is vital for communities to offer resources and assistance to those affected by domestic violence, ensuring they have the means to break free from cycles of control and abuse.

If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic abuse, there are helplines and support services available to provide assistance and guidance. By raising awareness and fostering a culture of safety and respect, we can strive towards a society where all individuals can live free from fear and violence.