Millions issued warning over one simple thing that could be adding hundreds to your energy bill

Millions of households across Britain are being warned about a simple oversight that could be causing their energy bills to skyrocket. The positioning of a thermostat in a home can have a significant impact on energy usage, experts say, urging households to pay attention to this commonly overlooked detail. Ben Gallizzi, an energy specialist at, stresses the importance of selecting the right location for a thermostat. Placing it in a room that is colder than the rest of the house, such as a hallway, can lead to inefficient heating cycles. For instance, if cold air enters through the front door, the thermostat may inaccurately signal the heating system to work harder. This basic error can result in unnecessary energy consumption and inflated bills.
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It’s not just the hallway that experts advise against for thermostat placement – proximity to radiators, windows, or direct sunlight can also skew readings. Ben Gallizzi specifically recommends locating the thermostat in the most frequently used room, commonly the living room, for better temperature control and airflow. Additionally, following guidelines from the Energy Saving Trust to maintain a winter temperature of 18-21 degrees Celsius can help reduce energy costs. Even a small adjustment, like lowering the thermostat by one degree, can lead to a significant 10% reduction in energy expenses, emphasising the impact of simple changes on bills.

The issue of soaring energy bills is particularly pertinent as households are bracing for a 5% increase in energy costs from April, attributed to a surge in market prices following a decline in gas storage across Europe. In Great Britain, the projected rise in the annual cost for gas and electricity could mean an additional £85 burden under the energy regulator’s price cap, amplifying financial concerns for many families. Amidst these challenges, households are encouraged to explore cost-saving strategies and be mindful of their energy consumption to mitigate the impact on their budgets.

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As millions of households navigate the prospect of higher energy bills, there is a growing imperative to adopt energy-efficient practices and make informed choices about home heating. Experts stress the significance of proper thermostat placement and temperature adjustments to optimise energy usage. The broader context of market fluctuations and rising costs further underscores the importance of proactive measures to manage household expenses effectively. With practical advice on thermostat positioning and temperature settings, households can empower themselves to make impactful changes and minimise the financial strain associated with energy bills.

The warning issued by energy experts serves as a timely reminder for households to assess their energy consumption habits and identify areas for improvement. By implementing simple adjustments, such as relocating thermostats to optimal positions and adjusting temperature settings, households can take proactive steps towards reducing energy costs and enhancing efficiency. As consumers face mounting financial pressures amid rising energy prices, prudent energy management strategies can play a crucial role in mitigating the impact on household budgets.

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In conclusion, the guidance provided by energy specialists underscores the importance of attention to detail in managing energy usage, particularly concerning thermostat placement and temperature control. By heeding these recommendations and adopting energy-efficient practices, households can navigate the challenges of escalating energy costs with greater resilience and sustainability. As households prepare for increased energy expenses in the coming months, taking proactive measures to optimise energy usage can make a meaningful difference in mitigating the financial strain associated with energy bills.